We’re excited to announce our inaugural event!
The very FIRST Nerd Nite Kyushu! Join us for a night of great talks and from some great people!
March 20th (Sun) 18:00〜
Dancing Penguin Craft Beer 角打ち
(a minute from JR Takeshita Station)
Entry fee: ¥1000 (comes with a drink ticket)
入場料: ¥1000 (ドリンクチケット付き)
James Hendershot
Fun with Yeast Flavors Imparted in Beer
Much goes into the flavor of any beer. How about yeast though? Let’s talk about the importance of yeast type in impacting the flavor of a finished beer.
Homebrewer, turned brewer, turned bottle-shop owner. Originally from America but drinking beer all over the world!
Raymond K Terhune
Let’s talk about Gene Editing (but first what is Nerd Nite?)
Welcome, and thank you for coming to Nerd Nite Kyushu! So, what is Nerd Nite? I’m glad you asked. We’ll go through a little bit about the event that brought you here, and the history behind it. That’s not going to take that much time so we’ll wrap up with some talk about gene editing.
I am a Science Communicator working for Kyushu University, and while I cover many topics my bread and butter is Developmental Biology. I was an organizer for Nerd Nite Kansai during my time at Kyoto University and now it’s coming to Kyushu!