We’re happy to announce that Nerd Nite Kyushu #8 is coming to you on June 24th. We’re back again at the Dancing Penguin Craft Beer 角打ち for another round of nerdy talks from nerdy people!

June 24th (Sat) 18:00〜

Dancing Penguin Craft Beer 角打ち (Two minute walk from Takeshita station)
Entry fee: ¥1000 (comes with a drink ticket)
入場料: ¥1000 (ドリンクチケット付き)

“Dead Men Do Tell Tales: What Forensic Autopsies Can and Can’t Tell Us”
by Brian Waters
Welcome to the realm of the deceased and the stories they unravel. The dead indeed have tales to tell, and autopsies are the key to unlocking the secrets of the dearly departed. Pathologists meticulously inspect the cadaver to identify injuries or afflictions that may have contributed to the decedent’s demise, working to unveil the cause and manner of death. These procedures are a critical tool in the pursuit of truth, yet they have their limits. Nevertheless, autopsies are a vital component of the legal system and provide indispensable insights that bring resolution to bereaved families and justice to the deceased.
While studying Textile Chemistry at North Carolina State University, Brian began studying Japanese and later spent a year at Nagoya University. After returning to complete his degree, he subsequently joined the JET Program in Fukuoka for two years. He furthered his education with an M.S. in Criminalistics from California State University, Los Angeles, and served as a Criminalist at the Los Angeles County Department of Coroner-Medical Examiner for over seven years. Fukuoka University then welcomed him to the Department of Forensic Medicine, where he obtained a Ph.D. in Medicine. Altogether, Brian has accumulated over 15 years of residence in Japan.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mytwoyen/
Twitter: @MyTwoYen
「ウイルスは進化する!」 “Viruses evolve!”
By Rena Hayashi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Route66_Rena

「折り紙と微分方程式が出会う場所」The place where origami and differential equations meet
by Shota Shigetomi
Kaleidocycle is a closed linkage mechanism that can be made out of origami, and is interesting in the way it deforms like a bubbling ring. A study is known to model the deformation of this mechanism as a deformation of a discrete curve with constant torsion. Several differential-difference equations appear in this model, but no solution corresponding to the Kaleidocycle has been found so far. In this talk, we construct a solution to this equation using the elliptic theta function.
The speaker, born in Okinawa and raised in Fukuoka, is a young mathematician who just received his PhD in mathematics this March. As a child, he was fascinated by space and studied astronomy as an undergraduate. It was an encounter with integrable systems that led him to change his major to mathematics. This is a very exciting field where one can experience the miracle of being able to solve difficult equations that would usually be unsolvable. This evening’s talk will introduce the magic of this fascinating field.
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/shotashigetomi/english?authuser=0